Ready for Camp? Because Camp is Ready for You!
With the clock ticking and camp only hours away, you’re probably having some sleepless nights in anticipation of getting ready for your summer to begin at your home away from home, in just a few short hours!!! How excited are you??? EXCITED??? Because we’re just as excited too!!! What a week it has been! (And the campers aren’t even here yet!)
Our staff has arrived from all corners of the world over this past week and we have been very busy preparing them for the summer. Our Head Staff have been working hard all week long training counselors and specialists alike, while all of the new staff have been learning the skills necessary to provide the best care for the health, safety & well-being of our campers. World-renowned child psychologist Bob Ditter even spent an entire day with our staff to teach them the best ways to coach children and deal with conflict resolution!
On top of all of our preperations, our staff has also gotten the opportunity to have some fun too! Robbie taught everyone some square dancing lessons the other night; we competed in a mini-marathon by splitting up into Lower, Middle, and Upper Camps, and even got the chance to participate in some of our campers’ favorite Marathon events, such as the Apache Relay and Sing Night!
We’ve been working hard getting ready for the arrival of our campers. So pack-up your smile and get ready for the best summer ever, because we’re ready for you!!!