Sibling Campers: Max & Carly

Hi! We’re Max and Carly and we’re from Newton, Massachusetts.  We’re brother and sister and we both go to Timber Lake Camp!  Our Mom’s name is Michelle, who is an amazing cake maker and our Dad’s name is Todd and he is a lawyer.  

I’m in the 7th grade and I like to play sports.  My favorite sport is soccer and I play for my town on the travel team (Although, this year we are not doing so well…).  My favorite book is “I am Number Four” and my favorite color is blue.  My all time favorite song right now is “Bugatti.”  At camp, some people call me “Ginger” because I have red hair.

Our mom went to Timber Lake Camp when she was younger, so I decided to check it out 3 years ago on Rookie Day and I LOVED IT!!!  What I love most about TLC are the friends I have made and the awesome sports that I get to play all day throughout the summer.

I am in 5th grade and I literally count down the days until school is out and TLC starts again!  I play basketball and softball and I am one of the pitchers on my softball team. My favorite colors are pink and blue and my favorite songs right now are “Holy Grail” and “Roar.”  I love listening to music.  I’m known for jumping into my parent’s car and the first thing I do is say “Can you put on the radio pleeeeease?”

When I was 7 years old, my brother was signed-up for Rookie Day at Timber Lake. Even though I wasn’t set to go to camp at that time, they let me participate in their Rookie Day program too.  I remember running down the hill at the end of the day and screaming to my mom that I was ready to go to Timber Lake that summer too!

This is going to be my 4th summer (Summer 2014) at Timber Lake and I’ll be a Sophomore!  I can’t wait to get back to doing my favorite things at camp which are Color War, playing sports and seeing my friends again.  The funniest moment for me at TLC was when my friends and I were hiding from our counselors in the shower, and by accident somebody turned the shower on and we all got soaked!!!  I can’t wait until summer 2014 – only 254 more days!

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